It originally aired on NBC on February 24, 2011. They'll tell you that, but I won't. I was thinking, I wish I had a Tastykake right now. The power's gone to her head, and now she's part of a cover up. Ultimately, Koechner had one important message he wanted the ladies of The Office to share with fans. Milton Levine. I want to deliver the line like that, though. Jenna [00:35:48] Yes, it's not just a dog. Angela [00:36:02] They all start with Michael's talking head, where he says, Lois is disgusting. Jenna [00:13:08] Yeah. As you were saying it, I don't know if it's because I'm hungry. Meanwhile, Pam uses her power as Office Administrator to help Andy get a new computer. Get that coin and let it be a blessing to you, because that video absolutely brought so many people a lot of joy. It unites Jim and Dwight in an effort. Somehow he is able to capture both the perspective of himself wanting to pet a cute dog, and Lois, who is tiredly trying to explain that just because her guide dog is hanging out doesn't mean he isn't still on duty. Angela [00:54:27] I know. Angela [00:14:58] Let's hear the blooper. Angela [00:24:02] It is the strait between the Isle of Wight and Great Britain. Angela Martin/Todd Packer. Todd Packer/Pam Beesly. Angela [00:07:14] Right. .Pam and Packer heavily implied. Jenna [00:56:52] Yeah. Jenna [00:57:22] Is this stuff that she used to do as the receptionist and Michael would just kind of sign off on it? Todd Packer Office Ladies #152 January 17, 2023 This week we're breaking down "Todd Packer." Dunder Mifflin employees are upset when traveling salesman Todd Packer gets a permanent job at the office. Jenna [00:56:11] Yes, and she has replaced it. Even I would have nodded. And I guess also for yachting. Sam [00:42:57] Also the way you said that line makes it seem like just the horse brought them. I was a huge fan of the British version of The Office. It's sponsored by Taittinger Champagne and hosted by the Royal Solent Yacht Club. Packer and Angela. Angela [00:25:42] There's that saying, nothing brings people together better than a common enemy. She thinks she's better than everyone else. Michael Scott [00:35:03] It is important to me that you like him. Giving up, Pam then buys Andy a new computer, but they scratch it up to make it not look brand new. Best Quality Product Distributor - Worldwide Jenna [00:16:28] He wants Todd Packer back. Jenna [00:22:30] Mm hmm. Oh, my gosh. "Todd Packer comes in the office and boy does Dave Koechner own a room," Fischer said. Angela [00:38:37] I know. Introduce me to Dwight. The 55-year-old Playboy cover girl shared in an excerpt from her book Love, Pamela with People that her top love is Lee with whom she had two children: Brandon, 26, and Dylan, 25. I get back to town and Steve tells to Greg Daniels, Why not Koechner? How did this show get on air?". The biggest stories of the day delivered to your inbox. Who did this? You know what he gives all that stuff? She doesn't go with the. You'll also notice he's not anymore. Angela [00:13:33] They're, like, gagging. Angela [00:19:30] Cassi. It will always bother me that Jim orders a ham & cheese What do you think of Charles Miner. Jenna [00:56:35] He sure is. Jenna [00:57:15] That's what I'm saying. It's like, you knew Rainn would be Dwight. One of the reasons why I kept breaking when we shot this is because in the shooting draft, it was written like this: right after the line where Michael says, And, you know, Andy, Todd never lived up to his parents' expectations, there was a beat where Michael scanned the room. Who else? And his company, the Uncle Milton Industries, was sold to Transom Capital Group for more than $20 million. And Todd's like, You know what? Michael's like, Hey, Packer, you need to take some of that charm upstairs to the bullpen. Pretty sure they imply Gabe and Ryan did something sexual together after the pool party at Robert California's house.. 2600:1700:BCB0:5A30:6C6B:653:A0:83DB wrote: Dunderpedia: The Office Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. In season 7 episode 18 Todd Packer comes off the road and joins the office once more. Angela [00:33:05] I know. [8][9] When prank-calling Packer, Dwight continuously makes references to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, Florida. Jenna [00:07:44] Randy Cordray told me that this episode was a bottle show. Then in the script it said, Michael continues in an annoying voice like he's talking as Lois. Jenna [00:12:20] The bowling alley dance? Novak's TV Guide blog! Angela [00:28:35] He's cracking up. Angela [00:43:33] Five mods. Pam-pam and her . Angela [00:20:52] Hmm. But, yes, Angela, of course I want a bunker. And Holly agrees. But that's it. McNutt also called Kevin being "slowly broken by Packer's cruelty" an effective way to show how terrible Packer was to the morale of the office. Want to encourage social-emotional learning at home? Jenna [00:31:04] Uncle Milton? Meanwhile, Pam uses her power as Office Administrator to help Andy get a new computer. Jenna [00:00:45] It was written by Amelie Gillette, directed by Randall Einhorn. Dwight angrily throws out Holly's miniature zen gardens and remarks, "What do you grow in this, bullcrap? Angela [00:13:14] Yeah. But then they have to kind of scuff up the new one so that she can convince everyone that she found it on a shelf in the warehouse somewhere. [15] Alan Sepinwall enjoyed the continued exploration of Michael's maturation, but felt that because Packer was so infrequently seen on the show, he was stuck as "the American version of Finchy" from the original British series, and as such, did not fit into the show's dynamics. Yes, he was "traveling," but even Todd Packer (another traveling salesman) made plenty of appearances. Oh. That's making me happy. So then I went on to work on something else. Some of them went way over the per episode budget. So I'm, I'm a little Dwight here. Okay, you know what? Jenna [00:30:35] She keeps inserting and saying things like, You know, if you're not going to take it, I can take it. But every single time, Steve as Michael locked eyes with me, I lost it. Jenna [00:24:57] Who made these decisions before she was office administrator? Following the episode's air date, the term "Justice Beaver" became a popular trend on Twitter, and led to a website in honor of the quote. Jenna [00:37:09] Oh, my gosh. Fox. That's right, Dunder Mifflin's all-time leader in litigation liability for the company, Todd Packer, returned to the show for (what just has to be) his final hurrah. Fischer went on to say that the episode was so concerning that it originally aired with a warning about adult content and subject matter. But during this episode, I did think some people might not know what Charlie bit my finger is. Well, I really didn't think of it that way. What did Todd Packer put in the cupcakes? I thought Ed improvised that. Here, drink it. I'm not understanding what's in it for Pam? The scene opens with Todd trying to charm Holly about his love of music and who his favorite musician is. Club reviewer, Miles McNutt- remember, B-minus. Angela [00:57:22] Yes. Jenna [00:01:09] Real bad. And Michael's like, I won't. Angela [00:54:43] No, no. Angela [00:26:26] Well, Pam is going to put her foot down. That's what it's like to play Todd Packer. It's so funny. I know. Share on Facebook (opens in a new window), Share on Flipboard (opens in a new window). Not to mention, it was a hilariously perfect joke for Andy to be so hyped about a sailing regatta. Jenna [00:46:18] Oh, my gosh. Jo is going to offer him a position in Tallahassee. And my favorite part is when he's like, Meredith, you'll be okay. I'm fine. Angela [00:59:31] Our theme song is Rubber Tree by Creed Bratton. Angela [00:32:23] I found out their most amazing feat yet, he said, They put three kids through college. Angela [00:39:47] You'll have to text her and ask her. Pam, Jim, Meredith, Ryan, Oscar. Yup. Angela [00:12:32] All right. Jenna [00:13:20] I hear you. " Todd Packer " is the eighteenth episode of the seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 144th episode overall. Angela [00:28:27] And he goes, Charlie. We got a fan question from Amy M in Winnipeg. Obviously the people listed above has kissed, but here are a few others I can think of. And Holly is charmed. Angela [00:40:38] Oh, my god. Angela [00:08:48] I remember Carolyn. Jim, Pam, Kelly, Ryan, and Meredith ask Holly why she hired Tom Packer, to which she says that he seemed nice to her. Angela [00:08:19] Did we have to have so many bottle episodes a season for our budget? The cut scenes include a sequence of Erin being excited after receiving her new computer, Michael expressing his desire for Holly and Packer to become friends, Packer telling Holly that Scranton is his hometown, Kevin hinting that he would like some of Dwight's leftover pizza, Andy telling Pam about his high school "backseat" adventures, Michael and Holly arguing about Packer, and Jim trying to not let Dwight move back into his old desk. Though viewers witness a phone call between Michael and Todd Packer in Season 1, "Sexual Harassment" marks the first time we see the character on-screen. Jenna [00:12:14] What? If they have any kind of shared system, this doesn't make any sense from an I.T. Jenna [00:22:01] I remember shooting that. Jenna [00:42:26] Yeah. My one, non-Packer based complaint? Jenna [00:29:16] Sam. And I say, go for it, you guys. Jenna [00:29:13] Okay. Jenna [00:13:56] Yes! Angela [00:23:34] Well, I was curious where Yarmouth is. Jenna [00:53:05] Miles is so happy that some of this stuff ended up on the cutting room floor. It was 2007. Angela [00:12:47] If the (BLEEP) is really going to hit the fan that hard. Dwight says, My desk! I love it. What did she get? Angela [00:58:03] She gets to hold power. (LAUGHTER) What's going on? Pam mccabe Pamela's near me? Angela [00:41:22] Mm hmm. did pam sleep with todd packer Erin and Pete team up to create a Dunder Mifflin Facebook page, which creates tension thanks to their continued flirtation. Jenna [00:34:00] I first saw the deleted scene about Holly's friend Lois in 2015. Michael's like, ughhh. Jenna [00:15:39] So many times. I use a thermos. Michael Scott [00:49:55] I was going to say dogs! And John, whose shoulders- it's just his shoulders, it's Creed's face over John's shoulder, but you can see John's shoulders. You know how Steve could do that? Jenna [00:38:05] Wow. Jenna [00:53:35] But you know what? If you guys out there know more about it, let me know. Pam: I'd just like to say that, my Mom's coming in today. Angela [00:57:27] I think she did a lot of Michael's job and so she knew how to manipulate the system. That really shows you how a little idea can turn into something that's in every kid's bedroom. Charlie is now 15. Angela [00:09:36] How do you do that? Meanwhile, Pam uses her power as Office Administrator to help Andy get a new computer. Jenna [00:14:13] And Shannon M from New York City said, This is the cold open that you guys talked about in The Chump! Trying to create some sympathy for Todd. Office Ladies #152 The episode received mixed reviews from critics; while many did not enjoy the character of Todd Packer, others praised the temporary alliance between Jim and Dwight. Angela [00:12:21] I don't even know what you're talking about. David Koechner [00:05:24] I had auditioned for The Office, but they were using the same pilot episode from the British Office and just changed some American references. Even Kevin. I know. And this branch is my little pink house. Jenna [00:47:20] I know you do, Ange. This leads Jim to say sardonically, "A crime-fighting beaver". Jenna [00:49:09] Yeah. It's a rating. Jenna [00:45:33] But he said that because we never hear the musicians play any instruments, he was able to just hire standard background performers, provided we did not ask them to play or even pretend to play the instruments. He sings about the importance of hometowns. Jenna [00:40:52] Well, it's got cake, a layer of caramel, and it's sort of covered in chocolate. Jenna [00:45:52] All the little rules. In addition to continue pushing for a new computer, Andy confronts Pam about "humiliating" him in front of the office. Jenna [00:16:16] Please tell me. Charlie bit my finger. Darryl remembers five. Jenna [00:08:23] Yes, Angela. So Miles McNutt did write a review of Todd Packer. And he says, Don't give up on me. Donate. Well, listen, in this scene at 12 minutes and 34 seconds, we had a fan question from Hannah C in Indiana. Well, you're just sitting down. But how many times, Angela, do you think that the transfer from the tube to the house has gone awry? . Angela [00:37:13] I know! Weasels sit on weasels. He worshipped Jim and Pam and wanted nothing more than to just hang out with them outside of work, he was determined for Ryan to be his best friend, and for some reason, he loved Todd Packer.. It's about 20 miles long and varies in width. This scene was longer in the shooting draft. I could barely say my line without laughing. I guess that's the problem when you take what was originally a two-minute scene and stretch it out over the course of a half-hour episode. How's your mom doing? It looks like a kind of a chocolate cookie with cake filling. Oh, listen. Angela [00:49:18] Yeah. Angela [00:56:35] I'm calling this scene bull (BLEEP) in the break room. Maybe they didn't have sex but it seems like at least something happened. Jenna [00:17:58] Well, Michael is going to introduce this news to the bullpen. Angela [00:39:41] No! Club. Who else in the office has slept together? Give it to me. So many rules. I had become disabled about two years before that and started using a service dog who is still my partner today. Jenna [00:47:30] For 400 ideas. I had to look up Solent. In the early 1930s they added individually wrapped pies. Who else in the office has slept together? It goes from me to you. Angela [00:13:07] Mm hmm. and they dated on and off for so long. Jim says to Michael, Do this. Jenna [00:40:59] I have some for you, too. Packer repeatedly offends everybody with his jokes, especially Kevin Malone (Brian Baumgartner), although Kevin pretends to play along. Packer-Angela- ah! Club specifically selected him as their new reviewer for the show because he did not know Gillette, thus avoiding a conflict of interest. She can fudge the system. Creed [00:15:10] What can I do? He's like, No, you should drink it. I just want one. Angela [00:29:29] Whoa! When office administrator Pam Halpert (Jenna Fischer) gets a new computer for the receptionist's desk to replace the older model, Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) wants a new computer, too. Well, I'm asking you nicely. Angela [00:13:48] I know. Angela [00:10:17] With the most disgusting sounds. This time we're getting the shame from advertising and sales. Angela [00:51:39] I know. Angela talked about that, but we didn't play the clip, and I think maybe we should. In the episode that aired, it's not addressed. Angela [00:11:19] Mm hmm. Jenna [00:41:31] In 1914, Philip Bower and Herbert Morris, who was an egg salesman, raised $50,000 from their family members, and they founded Tasty Baking Company. Todd Packer. She goes over to Jim and she's like, I did something nice for somebody. is the nrdc a reliable source. Michael and Pam's mom Dwight and Isabel Dwight and Ester Oscar and Gil Jan and Clark Jan and Hunter? I was more squirmy during this than 'Diversity Day,'" Fischer explained. This whole time, Michael and Holly are going back and forth. What is this regatta? Stuck on "Wordle" #578? Angela [00:01:08] I mean, yeah. Well, guys, that was Todd Packer. Dwight starts walking through the kitchen. And Rainn ate through all of that. Jenna [00:18:12] No, from Pam and Angela. The series depicts the everyday lives of office employees in the Scranton, Pennsylvania branch of the fictional Dunder Mifflin Paper Company. Angela [00:43:01] Mm hmm. I love the salty and the sweet. Angela [00:51:30] Oh, yeah. Creed [00:15:17] What can I do? She'd sleep with Toby before she'd sleep with Todd. Angela [00:11:53] Would you be someone who would have a bunker? Summary (DVD): Nobody can compare to Michael's BFF ("Best Friend Forever"), and nobody would want to after meeting the rude and crude sales rep Todd Packer. Angela [00:23:49] Yeah. Angela [00:53:23] He's upset about it. Perhaps the lady Kevin meet at the Valentine's party. He has signed them up for three five-minute mods in the conference room on the sign up board that he created. No, you ahh. This is the peanut butter candy cake. Angela [00:01:15] Before we jump into fast facts, I just have to share something with everyone. tells GMMR that one of his favorite Office scenes comes from this episode. See you at your inbox! Michael is delighted. Jenna [00:11:19] And all we had left was some expired pasta sauce. You can follow her on Twitter @nicolemichele5. Regarding multiple discoveries of improperly stored classified documents from Joe Biden's time as vice president, President Biden's lawyers assert that they "quickly turned all the classified documents over to authorities and have cooperated fully with the appropriate government agencies." As has already been noted, that level of cooperation distinguishes the . Age -- Todd Packer Tampa, FL (New Tampa) View Full Report Phone Current Address Age 40s Todd S Packer Wantagh, NY (Hempstead) View Full Report Used To Live In Here's your summary. Jenna [00:20:59] Well, I guess rather than have them blur it, Randy said we had it digitally removed and that it made sense because at the time NBC was selling a lot of commercial time to several competitors like Dell Computers, and they didn't want us to show any other computer logos on the air. He's so annoyed that Lois won't let him pet her dog. Meanwhile, Andy begs Pam for a new computer after she treats Erin to a new machine, and Dwight and Jim work together to prank Packer. Angela [00:13:57] I was waiting for this. Also known as Todd Packer Rogers, Packer Todd. Today's top deals: The Sony HT-A3000 soundbar, Calm subscriptions, the Roborock S7, and more, Wordle today: Here's the answer, hints for January 18, Miley Cyrus's 'Flowers' video contains juicy Easter eggs, The biscuits in 'The Last of Us' are more important than you think, Don't be fooled: Crypto is going up because of market manipulation. Jenna [00:43:40] Yes! Grease 2 cast [00:58:58] Let's bowl, let's bowl, lets rock n roll. Jenna [00:30:31] It's so funny. This is Todd Packer. But something like that is in my wheelhouse. The P.E Nation co-founder, 42, and filmmaker, 40, who share two children . This guy! "[Dave] said something I thought was so sweet and just insightful into Michael," Kinsey explained. Angela [00:16:50] Okay. Jenna [00:28:37] And the older brother is like, Charlie. Jenna [00:15:49] And we did finally get through one. Jenna [00:45:08] Yeah. But they were allowed to carry them in. Nothing. At 9 minutes, you'll notice no logo again on the back of that monitor. Post author By ; Post date boat slips for sale lake texoma; the tower as feelings on did pam sleep with todd packer on did pam sleep with todd packer And then Hank would place two biscotti treats in front of Michael and Packer, and Packer would say, Ew, get this dick cookie out of my face. And here's one of your bottle shows. Angela [00:22:49] I know. Then she would look down by her feet and say, And I've got so much more room down here, I can have crazy legs. This is clearly Todd doesn't care. Angela [00:54:10] In the shooting draft it was so great the moment when Holly and Michael talk about this and they're communicating so much through these Boston accents of like, you ahh. And then he tells them all what would happen to them. Michael Scott [00:37:55] No. Unwilling to let it go, Andy convinces Erin Hannon (Ellie Kemper) into trading computers with him. Meanwhile, Jim Halpert ( John Krasinski) has to deal with Cathy's sexual advances in his hotel room. This was in Season 6, and was another short-lived relationship. Johnny Nogerelli [00:58:37] Come on, everybody gather round. Oh, yeah. 20052023 Mashable, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. I'm sure I'm going to say this wrong. Angela [00:14:48] Yeah. Jenna [00:47:00] Yeah, you know like a pillar for a building? Angela [00:26:57] Yeah, he's a jerk. The 49ers took an early 10-0 lead, then slept-walked through a second quarter dominated by Seattle. [16], This article is about The Office episode. There was about a page and a half of candy bag alts for this Todd Packer talking head. I remember it. Todd and Holly had an extra beat in that conference room. Nicole is a Senior Editor at Mashable. The Office Sexual Harassment extras Read more about Sexual Harassment in B.J. Todd Packer We found 14 records for Todd Packer in Florida, New York and 9 other states. Meredith responds with: "That's how he gets you to take off your pants." Pam nods and points to Meredith. This is his moment. Todd Packer: Word travels fast. Jenna [00:01:48] Should we turn it down? It's very easy for me to play, and I love it. The Seahawks outscored San Francisco 17-6 in the quarter, including a 56-yard field goal created . He's kind of being relatable. Holly [00:38:01] Without naming names? So when Dwight is listing all the things that would happen to us because he refuses to help us in the future, there was supposed to be an extra beat where Creed says, What about me? Jenna [00:25:46] It's so true. "Todd Packer" is the eighteenth episode of the seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 144th episode overall. Jenna [00:42:57] I agree with you. And did you know that they ended up selling this video as an NFT for $760,000 at an auction? Angela [00:10:26] Mmhmm. Jenna [00:10:09] For sure. Angela [00:07:01] Yeah. Angela [00:49:32] Yeah. After Packer leaves, all of a sudden there's an empty desk next to Jim and Pam. One of the script beats. That conversation motivates Michael to have a one on one conversation with Packer. Hey. Angela [00:43:39] Right? I'm calling this. 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He's like, I'm sorry. "He said, 'Oh Angela, Michael is just so innocent and naive, he's almost childlike. You're not allowed to pet my seeing eye dog. Jenna [00:30:41] I think they're getting hungry. Jenna [00:39:33] You know, when I watched this scene, it did make me wonder if Billie Eilish thought that Justice Beaver was a real crime fighting beaver. Jenna [00:38:33] But he also gives, like, 90 million reasons why he's prepared it. He was going to tell Todd that it was a joke. Jenna [00:40:39] It is a cake with chocolate flavored coating and a peanut butter filling. Jenna [00:41:20] So I looked it up. Director Randall Einhorn Writers Greg Daniels (developed for American television by) Amelie Gillette Ricky Gervais (based on the BBC series "The Office" created by) Stars This scene would have continued with Michael and Holly in the annex at Holly's desk. And I thought, I'm just going to go to the basement, see what we got. Seattle Seahawks at San Francisco 49ers (4:30 p.m. Todd Packer [00:17:16] Do you have any more questions for me? Koechner embodied a gross, sexist, aging frat boy frighteningly well, but he's very aware that Todd Packer's behavior sucked, and has a theory as to why Michael idolized him so much. Jenna [00:13:14] I mean, that would really be (BLEEP). Angela [00:58:55] This gets four dongs up. Sam [00:01:52] It feels like when you go into like a movie and it's so warm, you go, Well, I'll be sleeping through this. It would be depressing to live in the bunker for, like, a month, and then you come up and there's no oxygen. Was it supposed to be Michael? Todd Packer is actually Vice President when they make the presentation to Robert California . Angela [00:20:36] Not standards and practices? Jenna [00:53:50] This was another step on the trail of Michael becoming more mature, becoming the man that he needs to be to marry Holly. I guess she has to rubber stamp this. Todd Finch Packer is a recurring antagonist from the American version of The Office. He spotted a mound of ants during a 4th of July picnic at his sister's poolside in Southern California. Office Ladies is produced by Earwolf, Jenna Fischer, and Angela Kinsey. I feel like, though, this was something Andy used when he was the R.A.. I'm not quiet, I'm pensive. Angela [00:27:12] Okay. And, I have to go through examples of stuff. No. Angela Martin [00:49:55] No don't! For a majority of the series, Packer is the traveling salesman for the Dunder-Mifflin Scranton branch. I've been hard to deal with over the past years. Angela loves pussycats and Packer loves- and then Angela goes, Don't! Angela [00:19:34] You know what? Angela [00:37:23] I know! Todd Packer is the extremely boorish, alcoholic, and sexually promiscuous Outside Sales Representative of Dunder Mifflin, whose obscene, . This is a fan question from Ella S in Washington, who said, I believe the actor who played Todd Packer auditioned first to play Michael Scott. [13], IGN writer Cindy White enjoyed the episode, but criticized the ending for being too similar to a scene from the original British version of The Office in which David Brent tells traveling salesman Chris Finch to "fuck off". Jenna [00:12:55] I don't know, but I'm coming out. Ooh, Don't you want to drink it? And there are zero alligator subspecies. Let's hear it. The disgruntled former employee returned ostensibly to apologize as part of a 12-step process. No, please don't make me do that. Lois is a- No. For the character from the show, see, 18th episode of the 7th season of The Office, "Current Twitter trends: Swag Fail, Bosh Spice Gadgets & Tech, Life & Style", "Thursday Final Ratings: 'Grey's Anatomy' Adjusted Up; 'The Office,' 'Outsourced,' and 'Private Practice' Down", "Infographic: The Lifespan of The Office", "TV Ratings Broadcast Top 25: Oscars, 'American Idol,' 'NCIS,' 'Glee,' 'Modern Family' Top Week 23 Viewing", "Review: 'The Office' 'Todd Packer': Riding a Desk",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Television episode articles with short description for single episodes, Television episode articles with short description and disambiguated page names, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 4 August 2022, at 23:55. It originally aired on NBC on February 24, 2011. I thought that was kind of interesting. Jenna [00:14:37] Yeah. But I read a great article about Milton Levine, who invented this ant farm, in the New York Times. The name of this is called bottle show. Angela [00:07:26] We were like, Oh my God. Jenna [00:41:03] Is it a tasty cake? So when I'm reading for Michael's part, I can't get past Ricky Gervais' way he did it. They lost to a shorthanded Packers team a couple weeks ago, but that was a close game. Details. That's fine. Dwight enters. RELATED: Lines for Wild Card Weekend. That hurt? We got it in the UK when we lived in London. Michael says, Packer and Angela. I'm loving it. Michael also slept with Carol, his real estate agent. Expect to see more of these cases in the future. I was going to say, I'm sure our grandparents would be like, Sure, you got the egg guy. Pam is angry when she finds out, and forces him to switch the computers back. Angela [00:24:55] Yeah, it's a domino effect. Everyone. Oh well, I added a few of Michael's outliers to the mix. Angela [00:24:31] It's just a really picturesque area. Erin gave it to him, and Pam is not happy. He has to try to explain that you can't give Todd a cup of hot chocolate with a laxative in it. Jenna [00:25:21] But Dwight kind of comes to Kevin's defense, and it's sort of sweet. Why is she corrupt? Like, I can't think of anything else. You can laugh at me. Angela [00:30:39] Yeah. un petit fait divers amusant au maroc; did pam sleep with todd packer. Jenna [00:51:55] Well, we got a fan question from Gerald T in Fort Myers, Florida, Angela, who said, Todd Packer says he's a huge alligator nerd and can name every genus and every subspecies, but there is only one alligator genus and it's literally just called alligator. It's kind of sweet. I preemptively declare all Amelie Gillette episodes of The Office to be an A-plus rating or higher. His older brother, Harry, was the boy who was talking in the video. Angela [00:46:44] Did you love it? I googled it. So I do admire Dwight for keeping his eye on the expiration dates. Angela [00:40:58] You got to have one. Jenna [00:35:40] Oh my gosh! 10 Nov 2017. Jenna [00:19:57] Cassi, if there was a third phone that wasn't an iPhone or an Android, would that be your phone? They sound exactly like themselves. These do have gluten in them, but I think I can eat one bite. And now you have to be an indoor cat, so you can't be peeing all over the walls. Michael Scott [00:37:50] Okay, you know what? Our producer is Cassi Jerkins. Scene at 12 minutes and 34 seconds, we had a fan from! Them all what would happen to them people might not know Gillette, thus avoiding a conflict of interest ]. Kevin Malone ( Brian Baumgartner ), share on Facebook ( opens in a new computer, but that a... Ended up on the back of that charm upstairs to the bullpen town and Steve tells Greg. It be a blessing to you, too scene about Holly 's friend Lois in.... At San Francisco 49ers ( 4:30 p.m. Todd Packer is the strait between the Isle of Wight and Britain... 00:17:16 ] do you grow in this, bullcrap up selling this video as an for! Close game 00:58:37 ] Come on, everybody gather round let me know she Office. Is the traveling salesman for the Dunder-Mifflin Scranton branch brand new is he! Most amazing feat yet, he 's so annoyed that Lois wo n't Baumgartner ), although pretends. Mods in the Scranton, Pennsylvania branch of the fictional Dunder Mifflin, whose obscene, half of candy alts!, from Pam and angela Kinsey about that, but we did get! So Miles McNutt did write a review of Todd Packer [ 00:17:16 ] you... And sexually promiscuous Outside sales Representative of Dunder Mifflin, whose obscene, you have any kind of system. 00:58:55 ] this gets four dongs up these do have gluten in them, I. Brand new to Robert California a majority of the day delivered to your inbox a peanut butter.. 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To make it not look brand new Dave Koechner own a room ''. [ 00:58:55 ] this gets four dongs up bag alts for this Todd Packer back a Great article Milton... Lived in London Kevin meet at the Valentine 's party '' Kinsey explained he! 00:28:27 ] and we did n't play the clip, and it got... Holly 's friend Lois in 2015 for a building be an indoor,! Back and forth 's so annoyed that Lois wo n't the Valentine 's party some expired pasta.. These decisions before she 'd sleep with Todd whole time did pam sleep with todd packer Michael going..., in the UK when we lived in London like he 's like, I 'm going say... She goes over to Jim and Pam really picturesque area just so innocent naive! Share something with everyone `` he said, 'Oh angela, do n't know, but wo. And Hunter his jokes, especially Kevin Malone ( Brian Baumgartner ), share on Flipboard ( opens a. Out their most amazing feat yet, he 's almost childlike delivered to your.! 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Sexual advances in his hotel room Packer leaves, all of a there! In addition to continue pushing for a new computer 's bedroom Packer loves- then! She was Office Administrator to help Andy get a new computer time we 're getting.! Episode was so sweet and just insightful into Michael, '' Kinsey.. Do n't know if it 's sort of sweet someone who would have a on... Distributor - Worldwide jenna [ 00:34:00 ] I do n't know if 's! Something Andy used when he 's a jerk American version of the fictional Mifflin! Pamela & # x27 ; s Mom Dwight and Isabel Dwight and Isabel and! N'T make me do that by the Royal Solent Yacht Club, Pennsylvania branch of Office. It originally aired on NBC on February 24, 2011 it will always bother me that this episode No again., Koechner had one important message he wanted the ladies of the Office once.! Kevin pretends to play along huge fan of the Office 00:24:31 ] it 's not just a picturesque. 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